Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Nourishment - We are what we eat!

(This post is also posted in my personal blog - http://supermomadventuremanila.blogspot.com )

Here are some interesting facts I've learned from the fourth talk "Nourishment" of the Series "Awaken" of the South Feast. (I've copied some of the notes from the Feast bulletin.) There are three (3) important prescriptions for a healthier body:

Genesis 1:29 

I have provided all kinds of grain and all kinds of fruit for you to eat.

Both from the Bible and Science, your body are created to eat fruits and vegetables. Your teeth are the teeth of a herbivores or plant-eating animals. Your intestines are long, necessary to digest vegetables. If you want to be healthy, increase the intake of fruits and raw vegetables and minimize your meat. Here's what  happens when you do this:
  • you increase your fiber intake, which is necessary to cleanse your digestive system, making you avoid  colon cancer and other diseases.
  • you increase vital nutrients and vitamins your body needs (fact: vitamins is only a supplement, not a replacement)
  • if you eat fruits and vegetables raw everyday, you eat enzymes necessary for absorbing the nutrients.
  • Bacteria love an acidic environment. By eating vegetables and fruits - without mixing the with other food one hour before and after - you make your body alkaline, and thus resistant to many diseases. 
Leviticus 11:1-3
The Lord gave Moses and Aaron the following regulations for the people of Israel. You may eat any land animal that has divided hoofs and that also chews the cud.
  • Science is now discovering that animals labeled as "unclean" by the Bible carry more toxins. For example, pigs eat anything and thus have more toxins in their meat.
Leviticus 11:9-10
You may eat any kind of fish that has fins and scales, but anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales must not be eaten.
  • What sea creatures are without scales or fins? Oysters, mussels, clams, crab, lobsters, shrimps, and squid are the scavengers of the sea. They store a concentration of toxins in their tissues. It will be wise to avoid eating too much of these scavengers. Somehow, the Bible knew this already a long time ago.
Leviticus 7:23-24
For the people of Israel. No fat of cattle, sheep or goats shall be eaten.
  • A high fat diet has been linked to heart attacks, strokes, and some forms of cancer. But some 3,000 years ago, the Bible already warning us of its health dangers.
  • Oxygen
    • This may surprise you, but many persons don't breathe well. They breathe in a shallow way, also called lazy breathing. Their body is starved of oxygen. Most diseases are linked to the lack of oxygen in the our cells. A lot of persons will get healed by simply breathing slow, deep breaths many times during each day. If you do this many times a day, you'll awaken the healer in you.

  • Movement /Exercise
    • Taking walks is one of the best exercises you can do. It's simple, requires no fancy equipment, exposes you to fresh air(Note: Avoid air polluted areas when you walk.), gives an emotional lift because you're outdoors, provides you with sunlight and  cleanses your lymphatic system. Moderate exercise will strengthen you inner healer. 

  • Sunlight
    • Filipina mothers expose their newborn infants to the sunlight. They have the right idea! But adults aren't exempt. You still need sunlight at least 30mins a day, preferably in the morning. Sunlight heals! God created lots of it for your use. Because of sunlight, you body produces Vitamin D, which is crucial for your health and healing. Health experts believe Vitamin D prevents osteoporosis, depression, prostate cancer, breast cancer and even affects diabetes and obesity.

  • Sleep
    • Get enough sleep every night. If people get enough sleep every night, many sicknesses will be cured. Many persons are so sleep-deprived; their entire system has gone berserk. Vegetarians need less sleep than those who eat meat, because of the large amounts of energy needed to digest meat. So it is recommended that you listen to your body. Your body will tell you how much sleep you need. 
    • One last message. Real restful sleep cannot come from sleeping pills. Nor from an expensive mattress. Real restful sleep can only come when you trust God fully.
I've learned a lot from this talk, so I can't help but to share to all my friends and love ones. Let's take care of our body and let's awaken the healer in us!